Room Freshener DIY

Aaah! A little aromatherapy goes s along way.

Photo by Ines Iachelini on

In my beauty business and in my home I try really really hard to keep it chemical free. So one of my favorite go to’s is fresh lavender buds. The scent of lavender is RELAXING.

A simple thing I like to do is use the buds sprinkled in the vacuum cleaner bag along with a drop of lavender essential oil. It really freshens up the carpets and air.

))I also love to add a few buds of (culinary) lavender to my tea pot when making tea. Its is an afternoon delight. My guests comment and love it too.

It’s that time…Self-Care Sunday!

Do you have dry or moody skin,allergies and want to purify the air or still staying indoors more now with the pandemic.

CLEAR THE AIR and your mind.

Treat yourself to a soothing aromatherapy lamp. I recommend you buy one that changes colors as it is mood lifting and for me life changing!

So pretty to look at and relax to. Really helps with your mood and stress. The rainbow of shades illuminate the room while the essential oil helps with allergens in the air. I own and love the lamp by CHI …the iconic brand of hair care and styling tools.

I think of this lamp as a drink of water for the skin.

Photo by Maria Orlova on

The picture below is not the CHI brand but a peek at how these lamps emit a mist to purify the the air. My favorite essential oil is the calming lavender scent but they have others.

Photo by cottonbro on

So if you want to amp up your space with something new! You know what to do. And is good for your health too!


It’s been quite a week. And I find my clients and I are stressed. Perhaps you are too! Life is tough right now.
So, I have recommended they explore a few flowery herbs to keep calm and comforted that I use. I hope you enjoy and find comfort in them too.
I use fresh lavender. I use the buds to make sachets and tuck them in my pillow case. So de-stressing! The aroma is addictive.I also love to sprinkle it on fresh baked sugar cookies just before they are done. So pretty.

purple petaled flower
Photo by Leah Kelley on

The relaxing beauty of chamomile. Another gem is chamomile. I love it as a tea 🍵 with a dash of honey or agave nectar. Very relaxing. I also find it wonderful as a tea bag compress on the eyes to relax and to help those puffy eyes. Simply enjoy a cup of the tea and save the used tea bag. Apply it to your eye area once it has cooled do my use it hot from tea cup. Chill out for ten minutes.

yellow flower
Photo by Oziel Gómez on

Next up are rose 🌹 petals I love to pull them off the stem and make rose potpourri by drying the petals. I find this very relaxing and a creative time. And after it’s dried out I sprinkle them with a few dashes of rose essential oil. Place in a small bowl or sweet basket. So lovely and a relaxing light scent at your bedroom nightstand.

delicate petals of roses on pink table

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Have you got a recipe you’d like to share with me and my blog readers? Please share. Sharing is caring. We’re all in this together. One day at a time.

Energizing scents!

Today I had to be on TV and was sleepless in Seattle and woke up very early. I also had to go to my makeup and skin studio and worked all day. In the middle of the afternoon I needed a lift between clients. I was tired. I’m never tired! So, instead of reaching out for coffee I did this. If you need a lift over the holiday season at work or at play…TRY THIS!

 Looking for a boost of plant energy during a hectic day at work? OR at home 🏡after holiday shopping?

Look to Mother Nature!

Try rubbing some basil leaves together. Or  fresh peppermint leaves work as well. The aromatic scents will refresh your spirit. I keep a variety of plants and one of each of these at my business door and in my beauty kitchen. Ready for cooking, ice tea or aromatherapy.

Not all aromatherapy has to come from a bottle of essential oil.


green basil leaves
Photo by monicore on